Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Amen sister

"Amid attempts to protect elephants from ivory poachers and dolphins from tuna nets, the rights of children go remarkably unremarked." -Anna Quindlen

Los Ninos

This photo is my favorite one from my final photo project for class. In my series it is black and white and the entire project is about child abuse. woo hoo, be an advocate for the kiddos.

Also, tomorrow night I am flying out to the beautiful Santa Barbara! I get to stay and visit Levi until Monday afternoon. I am sooo excited. So tonight, I am trying to get all of my papers and assignments finished so I do not have to worry about anything this weekend. ahhh, can't wait. Have a good weekend everyone!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


This morning I woke up and my phone was dead. I then realized that I left my phone charger in Mesa. This is about the 100th time I have done this. So, I drove down to the Sprint store to purchase a new one. I walked in, and asked how much it would cost. The man told me they were 40 dollars. At Best Buy I know they are 25 dollars (from past experience). So I was about to say okay no thanks, when he interrupted me by saying, "I can sell it to you for 30 dollars." I thought that was fare so I agreed. He then went on to say, "Do you want two?" I thought, this must be a trick. So I said, "For another 30 dollars?" He said, "No, I'll just give you two. And how about another phone?" Me: "What am I going to do with another phone?" Man: "I don't know, give it to someone for Christmas." Me: "Okay, sounds good." Man: "Your total is $32.42, and what are you doing this afternoon?" Me: ummm... working. Man: "oh, where?" Me: "a shelter." Man: "wow, I would love to volunteer at a shelter." Me: "Okay, we always need volunteers! Here is our card."

And the transaction ended. What a deal. I gained two chargers, and a new phone for the price of one expensive charger. And I got a recruit for volunteering! Yay for being blonde.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! Wow we have so much to be thankful for here in America. Levi is down in Guatemala digging a well for a village because they don't have water! He says the people are extremely content. Makes me feel guilty because I have so many luxuries and somehow I still find things to complain about. My Thanksgiving is being spent with so many people that I love. This morning I already got to see the two of the cutest children on the face of the planet and their wonderful parents. I am then going to my aunts house to see all of my family, and then I will be heading over to all of the Christiansen homes. Here are a couple photos I took this morning of the kids...

Monday, November 17, 2008

The day I am out of a job, will be a Fine Day Indeed.

Here is a news article I found about the shelter I work in, this sums up my stress pretty well. (and by the way, we are at the point now that we are turning children away because we have sooo many kids)

Casa de los Ninos crowded with kids

Posted: Sep 4, 2008 05:15 PM MST

By Barbara Grijalva - email

The number of child abuse cases in Tucson in the past few weeks is raising huge concerns.

Grandparents were accused of keeping their 9-year-old grandson locked in a closet..

A mother admitted she starved her 6-week-old baby to death.

A mother's boyfriend was charged with murder in the January death of her 4-year-old son.

And, a Tucson woman testified she helped her boyfriend kill his two children.

You might be shocked by all the abuse cases surfacing, but the people on the frontlines in the fight against child abuse are downright angry, and amazed.

We can understand the anger.

The amazement comes because of the silence.

Casa de los Ninos Executive Director Susie Huhn says, "Why aren't we all up in arms and screaming out our windows. This is enough."

Tucson's Casa de los Ninos is being called on to shelter more and more babies and young children.

Huhn says Casa is almost at the point of having to turn children away.

There'll soon be no room for all of them.

She says everyone, from community leaders and organizations to each individual, needs to act.

She says, "It's not a state issue. It really is going to take community agencies. It's going to take government. It's going to take faith-based communities at large to say we're not going to put up with this. We're better than this."

Most of the young victims are victims of neglect.

And neglect can kill.

Law officers often are the first to reach the scene of a case of abuse or neglect.

Tucson Police Sergeant Carlos Valdez is with the Dependent Child Unit.

He has seen the worst.

He says, "Sometimes I've had nightmares. Yeah. Makes you cringe sometimes."

But Valdez says more often it's a case where parents, especially very young ones, have no idea how to care for a baby.

He says they treat the baby like a toy, instead of like a person for whom they are responsible.

Valdez says, it's "how do I treat my baby? How do I feed the baby? How I take care of it overall? A lot of people don't have those skill sets and don't know where to reach out."

Like Susie Huhn, Sgt. Valdez wants the community to get more involved.

Valdez says, "If a person is out there and sees a child who doesn't look right, give law enforcement a call or give CPS (Child Protective Services) a call, so we can all look after each other's child."

He says, "We're not out to arrest every person we see, but if we can change the deviant behavior of the parent so they can become a better parent in the long term for the child, we've done our job."

Huhn says, even the tiniest babies can be affected for a lifetime by abuse, neglect or even being exposed to domestic violence.

She says "What we know now is that it does affect them. In fact, their brains actually grow smaller than children who aren't exposed to violence or trauma. Their brain wires differently."

Huhn says the experts also know that, with intervention that reaches the child and the caregiver, the child and family can be treated successfully.

Casa de los Ninos opened its Great Beginnings Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Clinic last year.

The children in treatment range in age from birth to five years old.

There's a waiting list.

Huhn and Valdez say there is help out there, and they want parents to ask for it before the pressures of life or the cycle of abuse or alcohol or drug addiction lead to another child being hurt.

Valdez says, "And if they were to take a step back, take a deep breath, and say I need some help here, I think we can prevent a lot of problems with our children."

There are parenting and prevention programs for parents, but abuse or neglect can be multi- generational.

Huhn says the community conversation should include finding ways to help families over a long period of time because their problems didn't happen overnight, and won't be fixed overnight.

If you suspect abuse or neglect, there is a toll-free Child Abuse Hotline you can call.

The number is 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445).

To reach Casa de los Ninos, the number to call is (520)624-5600.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Funny picture. Don't be dumb.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


That's right! I get to see Levi tomorrow for the day, and then I am going back home sweet home. This is my first weekend out of the shelter in a very long time. So tonight, I am cleaning like a crazy woman on the loose. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"you put the pro in procrastination"

said the stranger at the top of a parking garage.

here is what I did today:

1. Spent many hours on fashion blogs such as,
the facehunter, asian cajuns, omiru, and the frugal fashionista, just to name a few.

2. Raided my closet to see if I have any cute clothes.

3. Tried on all my clothes and peiced together various outfits.

4. Went to Cafe Luce

5. Looked at parenting websites, found recipes, and figured out how to make my Halloween costume.

6. Caught up with an old friend over chips and salsa.

7. Went to top of parking garage to watch the sunset

8. Met a stranger who asked what I was doing, and then what I should be doing instead.

9. Did laundry

10. Played fetch with Niko the freako.

11. Went to Trader Joe's

12. called Levi

13. called my mom

14. made coffee (mmmm Trader Joe's, Breakfast Blend)

15. Stopped by Bookmans

16. painted Cassie's nails

17. thought about driving to the mountains

18. used self control and sat down at the library

19. Walked to Canyon Cafe to get free pastries

20. and now I am posting this blog. I guess he was kind of right.

What I should have done today:

1. Figured out what to do with Shamoo

2. Gone to Pima to transfer credits

3. Studied for my art history quiz that is tomorrow

4. Written my child development paper

Here's to being easily distracted once again.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Considering Adoption?

Don't take it lightly.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

48 children and still counting

little boy says: Do you have any kids?
little boy: Well then you can be my mom.
me: Oh but you already have a mom!
little boy: That's okay, I miss her. So, I want you to be my replacement mom.
I wish I could take all my little orphans home with me.


little update. My grandma did give me her car! wow i am so blessed. It is named the golden nugget. I call it nugget for short however some have resorted to Goldy. And i wanted to show off Shamoo before she is donated so all i have right now is this beautiful picture of cassie stepping out about to kill someone. I will have more someday! and i am still trying to donate it. The Casa can't afford to tow it out of here so if you know of anywhere that can, let me know!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Tribute

Sorry for this depressing post, but it is necessary. I am on the Community Justice Board here in Arizona which is run by the Attorneys office. Those of us on the board just recieved news that yesterday we lost a very valued member named Alton Wallace. He was our big teddy bear who offered an incredible amount of wisdom and had an amazing heart for the kids. I never heard him say a negative thing and you always knew he was putting the kids well being above everything else. I did not know him long but the time I did know him, I admired him greatly and I hope to someday carry on his passion. Please pray for his family and friends and remember God will heal all hurt.

On a much less significant note, today I lost a dear member of my family... my mini van Shamoo. Poor girl "popped a cap" as the mechanic stated it. I stupidly asked if he could put it back on, and he laughed and said "your engine exploded". I think my heart exploded when he said that.. and when he laughed about it. She lived a good long life but had a long and painful death. I blame myself. I should have put coolant in her earlier or at least added a little water everyday. It would have kept the fever down. Shamoo had about 300,000 miles and never had much work done so I can't complain. I really feel blessed to have had a vehicle at all. I thought for sure that I would not get my own car until Levi could buy me one in our later life. So again, I can't complain. And it is true that good things always come out of negative things. I found out that I could donate Shamoo to Casa De Los Ninos and they will sell out the parts to earn money for the children. I am really greatful that I can contribute in this way considering I have no money of my own to offer. ALSO, my grandma Sandy may be donating her car to me since she is considering buying a new one. If that goes through I will have a nice Honda (not sure what kind exactly, but I am working on names). I will be adding pictures later in remembrance, don't you worry.

There is something about naming things that automatically makes me attatched to them. For instance, Cassie and I were considering buying kittens. (they were free but without shots). Us, being the Thurstons named them instantly. Hers was Silly (he was orange) and mine was Retard (or Re-re) (he was white and grey) and they were cousins so it just made sense. The real sealer of the deal was when Re-re jumped onto a coffee table and couldnt catch his ballance and slid right off the other end. Just like his Mama. Well, potential mother. Cass and I regretfully decided against the idea when we realized neither of us could afford to feed ourselves, let alone two baby kittens and their shots. And yes, we cried about it on the floor of petsmart while reading, "The Dummies Guide to Raising Kittens". Oh the joys of living with your equally as emotional cousin. That night we took Nico to the dog park and spent three hours playing with her. We decided to give her all the extra attention we would have been giving Silly Mc'Silly Pants Thurston and Retard Fluffin' Muffin' Thurston.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tucson, Home of the Wildcats.

School's in. This will be the first semester that i absolutely love every one of my classes. I am very excited to get into the grime. I also was just offered a job at Casa De Los Ninos which I could not be more excited about. Don't worry neglected children I am here to save the day. Cassie and I are all moved into our little house. It still needs a lot of work but it is coming along nicely! Today I purchased some bathroom necessary decorations that tied the room together and my mom came down last weekend to help me organize the living room. Unfortunately I was suffering from vomitosis so my mom did all the crap work for me. She is so kind. Last night was the first UA football game of the year and i heard we demolished whoever we played, that's a good and different start for us!(the picture above is from the first football game of the year two years ago with Cassie) My brother Drewber was in town from Philly for a couple nights which is always fun. Nico the Freako has been chewing up all my favorite pairs of shoes which is always a pleasant suprise to come home to. She is also scared of crumpled up paper and thinks it is necessary to wake us up at 4am to tell us it moved or made a sound. She also likes to pretend she is a little dog and sleep on my chest, pretty cute. This coming weekend I am going to make my way to Mesa and see little Raya and Cael and also celebrate Mal's birth with her. Hopefully soon I can save the money to see Levi in California. I do accept donations in the form of cash, check, credit card, or airplane ticket.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Some Summer Pictures

that are sadly over due and there are more that Levi has that I will have to show later. These pictures are partly from that Flight of the Conchords show that Levi and I went to as an early anniversary/birthday gift to Levi, where we met the guys along with weird Al. It was an amazing night. And the other picture is of the fire that nearly engulfed Santa Barbara and did actually swallow Goleta. It was just ten miles from Levi's house. This picture was taken from down town Santa Barbara as an idea of how close the fire was.
A cool way to help anyone affected by the California fires is at where all of the proceeds goes to the Salvation Army and supplies families in need with necesities. Not to mention there is some really cool art here.

Vintage and Fresh

back in Arizona. not just Arizona but Tucson Arizona. It is a far cry from the beautiful Santa Barbara. Levi starts school today and I start my job hunt tomorrow. I cant wait to move into my new adorable condo but for about a month i will be in the stinky old mold ridden apartment. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of ghetto fabulous but i am also a fan of having my own room, which i do not have the luxury of here. I am absolutely thrilled to have an entire house with my very own bathroon to decorate and I have recently discovered an amazing furniture store that sells everything at an EXTREMELY dicounted price! It is all of ASU's old furniture and i bought a sweet white book shelf for only FIVE DOLLARS. you CAN'T beat that (but if you can, let me know). This glorious book shelf is five feet high with five shelves and will be perfect for text books and all the other books cass and i have in our collection. I am also inheriting a beautiful dresser type table that my parents are sick of and that my mother painted many years ago and has the look of an antique. I think i will make it into a sewing table to make the genius napkin pillows for our couch. Here's to a day of old and new combined.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Seaweed in AriZona

I am home and back in the heat. The past month I have spent in various locations in or around Santa Barbara working, beaching, surfing, swimming, and hanging out with Levi. During this month I also chose to not worry much about my hair. I would wash it occasionally and I brushed it a total of three times. Therefore, by the time I returned home (yesterday evening) I had nasty, salty, seaweed encrusted, dread locks. It was beautiful. So naturally i waited to shower until this morning. Around ten AM I washed my hair three times, conditioned it twice, and I am now trying to brush through the tangly mess while grass green bits of sea life fall into the sink and onto the floor. mmmm tastey. A little bit of California for me to enjoy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

3 days off

YES! three days off para mi! i should not be excited because i need money but days off=days at the beach or relaxing with Levi and that sounds exquisite. It is so refreshing to head to the beach after work everyday and surf, or not surf, I dont mind either way. Tonight Levi and i went down and just took a ton of pictures that turned out pretty swell with the sun setting in the back. I'll probably post those later. I also discovered a new ebay seller that I love who is also a member of a wonderful band called Castledoor. another new love of mine is MGMT. yes they are good and weird which i like.

Levi and I are still staying in Ventura with paperpony which is so nice of them and close to the beach, the only downside is it is costing us twenty dollars a day to drive here and back from santa barbara where i work. On july first Levi will be moving into a place just walking distance from downtown SB. The move should be interesting. His roomies will be older (50+) hippies who play scrabble and such so we will see how that turns out! they seem nice and he will have a nice living area up stairs shared with one other person or couple? with a kitchen and living room. cool.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

brown bag, brown bag

I would really like one. I have been searching for a CHEAP brown, over the shoulder purse/bag.
1. It would match nearly everything.
2. I could possibly fit some books in it for school (along with the many other things that are essential to carry at all times.)
3. I think I have been waiting long enough to buy one. It is justified.

Just a longer strap and i am SOLD.
The problem:
I am cheap, urban has one for more money than I want to spend... no thanks. Ebay does not have what i am looking for. Sad day.

On another note. I now work at the coffee bean in Santa Barbara where I am spending my summer to be with Levi who will be attending Brooks Institute of Photography in just a couple weeks. I hate my job. Not because I hate making coffee and dealing with choosy customers. No, only because my boss does not know how to manage. I love the coffee business but not when i work for a biznatch. This is grand inspiration to be my own boss one of these days.