Tuesday, June 24, 2008

3 days off

YES! three days off para mi! i should not be excited because i need money but days off=days at the beach or relaxing with Levi and that sounds exquisite. It is so refreshing to head to the beach after work everyday and surf, or not surf, I dont mind either way. Tonight Levi and i went down and just took a ton of pictures that turned out pretty swell with the sun setting in the back. I'll probably post those later. I also discovered a new ebay seller that I love who is also a member of a wonderful band called Castledoor. http://castledoor.blogspot.com/ another new love of mine is MGMT. yes they are good and weird which i like.

Levi and I are still staying in Ventura with paperpony which is so nice of them and close to the beach, the only downside is it is costing us twenty dollars a day to drive here and back from santa barbara where i work. On july first Levi will be moving into a place just walking distance from downtown SB. The move should be interesting. His roomies will be older (50+) hippies who play scrabble and such so we will see how that turns out! they seem nice and he will have a nice living area up stairs shared with one other person or couple? with a kitchen and living room. cool.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

brown bag, brown bag

I would really like one. I have been searching for a CHEAP brown, over the shoulder purse/bag.
1. It would match nearly everything.
2. I could possibly fit some books in it for school (along with the many other things that are essential to carry at all times.)
3. I think I have been waiting long enough to buy one. It is justified.

Just a longer strap and i am SOLD.
The problem:
I am cheap, urban has one for more money than I want to spend... no thanks. Ebay does not have what i am looking for. Sad day.

On another note. I now work at the coffee bean in Santa Barbara where I am spending my summer to be with Levi who will be attending Brooks Institute of Photography in just a couple weeks. I hate my job. Not because I hate making coffee and dealing with choosy customers. No, only because my boss does not know how to manage. I love the coffee business but not when i work for a biznatch. This is grand inspiration to be my own boss one of these days.