Since Christy is in London, I decided to post some outfits. Because even though we may be far apart, we still care about what the other is wearing. Obviously. And Christy I am pretty sure you are the only one that looks at this little blog of mine. :) So, since I am going to visit Levi this weekend and typically you are here to judge my outfits... I figured I should put some of them up.
Outfit One:.JPG)
I am thinking this one for the airport? It is simple, and very comfortable and Levi will recognize me from a mile away. (Do you like my nice touch with the suitcase? ha to put it in perspective). These jeans remind me a bit of the 90's. I have not had faded jeans in sooo long. But they are the most comfy things in the world, I pretty much wear them everyday now.
Outfit Two:.JPG)
I'm thinking this outfit would be perfect if the sun happened to come out and give us a warm day. It would be wonderful for a walk on the beach. It is completely modeled after the photograph I have hanging on my bathroom wall of Audrey Hepburn (below).

These will be the alterations I make if it is cold and rainy... which it has been the past week. Possibly no scarf.
Outfit Three:
This little number is for the very slim chance(since we are broke) that Levi and I go out for Valentine's Day. Haha we shall see.
Little Extras:Here are a couple outfits that I may or may not bring to California.

This was a day Amy and I were going to lunch at Olive Garden to visit Cass. She bought me the scarf in Spain!
Here is me right before class. Sadly this is a completely different gray sweater than the lunch with Amy one. I just couldn't help myself, it was so soft. And here are my 90's jeans again.
Of course, the everyday boots.

Here are my nails. I am not really a fan of black nail polish but I will forever be a fan of the almost black marrooonn... And clearly I could not paint over my busted pinky because I like to watch its progress.
And obviously there are many more that I did not post because one can only take so many pictures of themselves. But don't you worry I definitely planned everything from the pens and pencils I will have in my purse to the PJ's I'll wear. haha. Well Christy I hope you enjoy! I love and miss you and can't wait til you come home! And I will of course post pictures from my trip :)