April is Blue Ribbon Month! It is The National Child Abuse Prevention Month and in support everyone should wear a blue ribbon to help raise awareness! In many states this Blue Ribbon Campaign is very widely known. On the first of April every year schools participate by passing out blue ribbons to every student. Banners are hung in memory of children who have lost their lives to abuse and neglect. State capitols are decorated thoroughly in blue ribbons, etc. etc.. Sadly in the state I reside, Arizona, this campaign is known to almost no one. So I have taken the liberty to make it known to at least my friends and family. This is such a crucial cause and more people need to open their mouths and speak for these children who often times can not speak for themselves. Here are my own little campaigning pictures.

Here are pictures of something simple you can do to show your support. (along with the Peruvian purse I mentioned I bought in Philadelphia).

Seriously... I bought the ribbon at the dollar store. Not hard to do.
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