So, I may be losing my mind but it's okay because I'm having fun while doing it. Today I made an offer on a CELLO!!! It's on craigslist and it is a mom selling it because her son lost interest now that he is in high school. haha so its obviously perfect that I would gain interest now that I'm in college. It has a crack on the back, along with a dent, and the paint is chipping off(okay perfect). I think it will be perfect for me and hopefully at a bargain price. I'm thinking the sound might be a little off because of the dent.. but hey, it's just a starter cello anyway. It also comes with a case and a bow and maybe I can sucker her into giving me her sons first music books. :)jk (i will not sucker her, i will ask politely)
Basically what spurred this was... well a lot of things. I was going through all my favorite songs of the year yesterday and I realized that over half of them have a cello mixed in somehow. I also saw the "Soloist" the other night with some friends (we were VIP sneak peak, oh yeahhh) and a 9 year old kid from the Phoenix symphony performed on his violin (which I use to play) along with a 16 year old kid from the symphony on his cello...they played before the movie and they were incredible. SO after hearing this little boy play violin I thought hmmm.. I should start playing again, but then I realized nah, I like the sound of the cello better!! Sooo that is how I decided.
Casey Thurston: Improving the World, One Cello at a Time.
of course you would get one from craigslist. but best of luck with this new endeavour! you're so musicallll!
I can I say I think this is so incredibly cool of you to get! I'm a little jealous of your adventurous spirit with musical instruments.
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