okay, so i feel a little silly posting about halloween this late in the game... but, lets just pretend i'm 11 months early? k great. so this year, i was actually ahead of myself and asked the kids at the shelter what they thought i should be well in advance! they all threw out some typical ideas, a princess, superman, buzz lightyear (they always want us to be what they are going to be) but then one little boy yelled above the rest "BE A GIANT HAIRY MONKEY BATMAN!!!" this was followed by the rest of the kids cheering in agreement. i found my potential costume. i knew my little brother (who is taller than me) was batman a couple years ago (when he was about my size) so i planned on borrowing that. i also knew my friend kevin is known for his gorilla suit and i figured i could ask him about that.
so halloween crept near and i was feeling confident about my costume. the friday before halloween i went to phoenix to get batman from my brother. and alas we could not find it anywhere. so i thought of buying batman.. turns out those costumes are not cheap.. $60 for a mask and cape?! then i settle for just being a giant hairy monkey.
i ask about the monkey suit the day before halloween. turns out he needs it to be gorilla santa claus! (see above photo)
this leaves me with about four hours before meeting with friends to pull together a costume. my costume has to be almost free, quick and easy to make, and recognizable by children. so i decide on princess tiger lily from peter pan.

everything to make the costume was purchased at JoAnn's or Michaels. I already owned moccasins from the arizona trading post, and the purse i used is from H&M. unfortunately i didn't take any great pictures of the final costume but here is fuzzy one from the med school gathering i attended.
its funny to me how much more observant children are than adults. or maybe they just care more about disney characters. every adult assumed i was pocahontas, but my kids knew i had to be tiger lily because pocahontas would never wear braids or a feather in her hair!
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