Saturday, November 13, 2010

rainy day blues

i am aware, i suck at this. BUT good news! i finally got a memory card adapter for my canon 10D so coming soon will be all the pictures i have been taking. but not today. so don't be surprised if i post things that happened a month ago and pretend they were this week.

so anyway.. a couple weeks ago, i woke up and it was beautiful outside..overcast and rainy. which i love. and i had the day off which made it even better. as soon as i looked outside that morning i got a strong craving for blueberry muffins. i was fortunate enough to already have the ingredients and went to work so i could eat them while it was still considered breakfast. unfortunately, i only know how to make muffins in bulk so i pretty much only ate muffins for every meal, for well over a week. but here are some snap shots of my process and a sneak peak into my apartment!

and here was my throne for the day

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