Thursday, April 22, 2010

happy earth day!

go plant yourself a flower... or dress up like the earth, your choice.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

lovely spring time

spring has finally arrived! the weather is perfect, the flowers are out.. and my birthday is coming so soon :) (to the right are some pretty little weeds from my street)

this weekend for Easter I went back up to Mesa to spend it with my family. Christy also came to join just as she had done freshman year. we were not able to go up until saturday because of my work schedule, which happened to be perfect because saturday morning i found the perfect road bike at a friends garage sale for only 40 dollars!! once i pick it up i'll be sure to post some pictures.

so saturday night my friend Shela hosted a poetry potluck. she set it up in a friends back yard under a tree with blankets and cozy seating all around. it was a great intimate setting and it was nice to see a couple old friends and meet some new people. and of course we enjoyed all the delicious food. (Shela playing for us before the next set of poets spoke)

then for Easter every year we go to my aunts house to see my giant family. this year i baked Martha Stewart's strawberry cupcakes, and topped them with Martha's vanilla frosting and fresh strawberries.
(here are the little strawberry baskets)